Over the past few years, there have been many reports of serious incidents taking place during RPG projects. The lack of safety and equality weakens our hobby, making it a less productive place to work and making it harder for all members of the hobby to contribute. As a hobby we have not made RPG projects safe enough for everyone on the project.
Conventions have faced a similar problem, and over the years most conventions have adopted a code of conduct. Despite success at the convention level, codes of conduct are not commonplace on RPG projects.
To that end, we have worked to provide this Code of Conduct for RPG Projects. It is available through DriveThruRPG, but is completely free. Picking this up on DriveThru will allow you to receive updates as the document is updated.
The Code of Conduct for RPG Projects provides the following:
Update: Thanks to Virgilio Benavides, the Code of Conduct is now translated into Spanish!
The Code of Conduct for RPG Projects is intended as a living document. I encourage you to share suggestions and feedback as you use it. If you develop related tools or versions of the Code of Conduct you think will be useful to others, please share them. I hope we can improve the document over time, so that it is useful for more members of our industry.
Many hands came together to help me make this document, and I truly appreciate that. I welcome you to use the contact form on this site to provide further suggestions.
If you organize or work on RPG projects, I hope you will use this or a similar code of conduct on your projects. If you are a part of our hobby, I hope you will help raise awareness of the benefits of a code of conduct and encourage projects to use one.
Download the free Code of Conduct for RPG Projects on DriveThruRPG!
Download the free Code of Conduct for RPG Projects on itch.io!
I also recommend the Fate Accessibility Toolkit, which provides ways for RPG creators to bring disabilities into their games and to support players with disabilities at the table.
Thank You! I am happy that this now exists.
Hola se puede traducir al español? Para usarlo con mi grupo de trabajo, estamos intentando desarrollar productos de rol en español!
¡Si claro! Me gustaría mucho ver el código trasladado al español. Si lo traduce, puedo incluirlo en el documento para que otros lo puedan utilizar.
Hola tengo el documento listo, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o7GYJe3-Lk-esMZNywDxhp5jEPoNAZ3u/view?usp=sharing revisalo y cualquier detalle me avisas para darte acceso de comentarios o edición.
Virgilio, muchísimas gracias por haber hecho este trabajo, y perdóname por no haber respondido más rápidamente. ¡La traducción esta increíble! Ya la he incluido en DriveThru y Itch.io. Gracias por haber hecho esto. Lo agradezco mucho.