Encounter Math, Bastions, New Acq Inc, and More!
Adventure Tools updates, new Acquisitions Inc supplement, new videos, and more! I’m back from Gamehole Con and energized!
Focusing a Campaign Through Themes and Truths
We can focus our campaign through themes and truths, delivering on player expectations and creating engaging play for us and our players.
The Campaign Our Players Want?
Our next RPG campaign will be more successful if we consider what will appeal to our players.
What Kind of DM Are You?
Many types of campaigns seem to appeal to us. But if we think more carefully, we may find certain types of campaigns appeal to us more than others!
Experience a New RPG in Just 4 Easy Steps
Learning a new RPG can seem daunting. It doesn’t have to be. Here’s how to experience a new RPG the easy way.
Choosing the RPG for Your Next Campaign
What kind of campaign do we want to run? We may have many ideas for campaigns, making it hard to choose the right RPG with which to run it. Let’s create a process to compare options and pare down to one great campaign.
New Campaign? Finish the Old One with a To-Do List
The end of a campaign is the perfect time to reflect on what we enjoyed, wish we had done, and hope to do in our next campaign.
12 RPG Lessons from GameHole Con
GameHole is a fantastic convention filled with amazing gamers and top quality events. Here are the top lessons I learned from each event.
Enhancing Monsters with Monster Powers
Monster Powers can transform your game, and here’s how! Monster Powers come from the Forge of Foes, live on Kickstarter!