I stream on Twitch, post videos on YouTube, and from time to time I have joined various streams to play RPGs or talk about them.
In the Lore of Neverwinter stream, I cover a different aspect of the Neverwinter MMO storyline with each stream. I tour the different areas of the game, showcase the rich visuals, and talk about the deep D&D lore the game brings to life.
You can find my Alphastream1 Twitch stream here. When I stream, I announce on my Alphastream Twitter account.
After the stream is done, I upload the video to YouTube. You can find my Alphastream YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/AlphastreamRPG.
The streams are casual. You are welcome to lurk, ask questions on the stream chat, or talk to me on Twitter after. I’m open to discussing aspects of the lore that interest you. There have already been some great questions.
Extra-Life 2015 Game: DM Susan Morris, players Erin Evans, Matt Sernett, Chris Sims, Teos Abadia. Our game of underdark madness raised money for the D&D Extra-Life team.
Extra-Life 2106 Game: DM Joe Louie, players Derek Guder, Chloe Monroe, Bill Benham, Teos Abadia. We dealt with giants and strange devices while we raised money for the D&D Extra-Life team.
DM’s Deep Dive with Sly Flourish – DMs and Organized Play. Live Twitch stream with 30 minutes of Mike Shea and I discussing how Organized Play can help DMs, then 30 minutes of questions. Part of the Don’t Split the Podcast Network. February, 2017.
DM’s Deep Dive with Sly Flourish – Encounter Building. Discussed how to build great encounters in D&D 5E. December 29, 2017.
DM’s Deep Dive with Mike Shea – Encounter Design and Different Tiers. Episode discussing encounter design and what kind of adventures/stories are suitable for different character tiers from “rats in basements” and “guard duty” to planar travel. Posted August 25th.
Trece Albas – D&D livestream in Spanish. I joined ElWarius, Elven Tower, Morgan, and Mike Balles for one session, playing my favorite half-orc cleric Grom. Trece Albas es un mundo basado en mitología mesoamericana y el grupo facilita juegos de rol en español en las convenciones de PAX.
Fantasy AGE with The RPG Exploration Society on the Saving Throw Show. One-shot game with GM Richard Malena-Webber and players Amy Dallen, Xander Jeanerret, and Rick Budd!
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