Wizards Redefines One D&D at the Creator Summit
My D&D Summit review ends with the 2024 core rules presentation. Here is how it redefines One D&D.
The Future of D&D Beyond at the Creator Summit
At the D&D Summit, Wizards of the Coast presented its vision for D&D Beyond and asked for feedback. Here is what we learned and asked for.
The Future of the D&D VTT at the Creator Summit
The D&D Summit allowed attendees a clearer picture of what the Wizards of the Coast Virtual Table Top aims to offer, and the obstacles to getting there.
Assessing the D&D Creator Summit
What took place at the D&D Creator Summit? This overview covers the main events, with an eye towards actionable improvements for future events.
D&D Beyond Launches Community Stream with Forge of Foes
Wizards of the Coast continues to make changes in the aftermath of the OGL fiasco. This week, D&D Beyond launched a Community Stream, highlighting a third-party creator. They chose the Forge of Foes!
What Compatibility Means for One D&D
Wizards says it will ensure One D&D is compatible with 5E and its SRD. Here’s the good and bad of what it takes to be compatible.
What to Expect From the WotC D&D Creative Summit
Wizards of the Coast has invited a few people to attend a “Content Creator Summit.” What might this mean for the community, for Wizards, and for One D&D?
Enhancing Monsters with Monster Powers
Monster Powers can transform your game, and here’s how! Monster Powers come from the Forge of Foes, live on Kickstarter!
Back the Forge of Foes!
Mike Shea, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, and I have just launched the Kickstarter for the Lazy DM’s Forge of Foes! Learn about this awesome monster project!