How to Create Table Name Tents in Minutes
Table Name Tents are a must-have tool for any DM. Here is how to make a set in minutes.
Falling Star Sailing Ship – Unboxing!
Let’s unbox the massive Falling Star Sailing Ship and see how amazing and useful this is!
The Lazy Dungeon Master
With so few hours in a day, becoming an efficient dungeon master is a key to great gaming. The review of Mike Shea’s new book, The Lazy Dungeon Master.
Making Silt Horror Tentacles!
Turn a cheap rubber octopus into silt horror tentacles! This is a fun and easy do-it-yourself project.
Organizing and Using WotC Poster Maps
The amazingly beautiful and inspiring WotC poster maps, captured as a downloadable image gallery for DMs. Plan your next exciting battle!
Point, Counter-Point: Combat Speed
Combats have to be under an hour to be fun? Utter nonsense. If the combat’s elements are engaging, it will never drag.
Tavern Trouble and Taking Risks
What if we create a Dark Sun bar fight, where every PC can discover special tavern-related “powers” they can use? These kinds of experiments can really help us grow as DMs.
Gamma World Add-Ons!
Cool add-ons: Print out Junk Tables so your characters can get creative with what they find! Download Origins and Rules cheat sheets for new players. And, create your own Alpha and Omega mutations with these cool templates.
Creating a Chaos “Change Deck”
Capture the effects of chaos or the Spellplague on your PCs with this Change Deck. Or, learn how to make your own decks with MSE.