How to Run D&D’s Exploration Pillar: A Mastering Dungeons Index
Of the three pillars in D&D, Exploration is the least comfortable for DMs, players, and designers. We learn to overcome the challenges on the Mastering Dungeons podcast.
D&D Minis Bring Annihilation to Life
This may be the best WizKids miniatures set, both for supporting the Tomb of Annihilation adventure and for making favorable changes to set distribution. Check out these amazing miniatures and learn about other recent and upcoming sets!
Using Cinematic Montages in RPGs
Cinematic montages bring blockbuster action to your adventures. Learn when and how to bring the camera into your game!
Creating a Player-Focused Tomb of Annihilation Campaign
Published 5E D&D campaigns, including the new Tomb of Annihilation, provide the players and DM with a ton of possible content to use. This technique allows us to find out what our players want and create a memorable campaign before the first die is rolled!