Encounter Math, Bastions, New Acq Inc, and More!
Adventure Tools updates, new Acquisitions Inc supplement, new videos, and more! I’m back from Gamehole Con and energized!
Where Are We One Year After the D&D Summit?
It’s been a year since the OGL debacle and the Creator Summit. Touted as the first of many, will there be another? What has D&D accomplished and what remains to be done?
Can You Predict the Golden Age of RPGs?
Is the golden era of D&D about to end? Let’s examine how well can we predict the industry, and how a decline for all RPGs may not be so bad.
Make the Most of 5E’s Planescape Adventures in the Multiverse
D&D brings back Planescape! Here’s how to make the most of the 5E adventure, Turn of Fortune’s Wheel, and the accompanying monster and setting books.
Estimating D&D’s Revenue
The BookScan data gives us a potential window into estimating D&D’s overall revenue, especially when combined with previous clues. If we can estimate the percentage BookScan might be of D&D’s overall revenue, we can get a rough estimate of individual revenue from different core books, adventures, sourcebooks, and even licensed products.
Are D&D Sales Declining?
In all other RPGs and D&D editions, we see diminishing returns. Each follow-up supplement, adventure, or other product will sell fewer copies and have a shorter tail than the first ones. Is 5E D&D seeing declining sales?
D&D 5E’s Top-Selling Settings, Sourcebooks, and Accessories
How do the sales of 5E D&D settings, sourcebooks, and accessories compare to adventures? Let’s take a look at the BookScan data and find out.
D&D 5E’s Top-Selling Adventures and What It Means for the Hobby
D&D adventures historically don’t sell well. 5E has tried several approaches. Let’s take a look at 5E adventure sales in the BookScan data.
How D&D Sells and What It Means for the Hobby
How many copies do D&D’s top products sell? We take a look at BookScan data and what it means for D&D and the RPG hobby.
Pathfinder Never Outsold 4E D&D (ICYMI)
The myth that Paizo’s Pathfinder outsold Dungeons & Dragons 4E endures, but it is a myth worth slaying.